If I've learned anything at all from my yoga practice is that how my body, thoughts and mind is evolving. They are not the same, it's like my body & spirit has developed an in-built navigational system, which knows exactly where I'm going. It specially comes handy when I feel lost in practicing advance Yoga postures without the expert guidance of my teachers and gradually illuminate the way to fulfill my far fetched goals.
A Surya Yantra (Sun dial) is always following the sun, from east to west or high to low of sky with it's completely uninterrupted and ceaseless commitment to it's guiding source.
Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana is the perfect example to experience "Sthiram Sukham Asanam", as it ask for being steady and comfortably letting go of our perceived limitations. This asana challenges a yoga practitioner to listen to the wisdom of his body and be completely focused.
It has been specially inspiring to the student in me, cos it reflects the power of a deeply committed practice. A Yoga practice which brings in the precious moments each day when you go through the pleasure and pain, sweat and toil of practice.
I relish each new opening as it happens (from hip to shoulder to hamstrings) and be present to enjoy the journey and not just reaching the goals.
Life teaches us in every step that it is happening, every minute, every second and evolving is just amazing.