Sunday 2 November 2014

Kids Yoga- A Gift of Good health.

At first glance, yoga and kids might seem like an odd pairing, as yoga is often about being quiet and staying still, words that don't usually describe kids.
But kids don't need laser like focus to enjoy the innumerable benefits of Yoga. Kids Yoga is all about having fun. In fact many poses are active and playful and helps children cope with their emotions, release extra energy, and induce relaxed sleep.

 Pic 1. My Toddler enjoying the wave like movement of Bhujangasana/ Cobra,

Pic 2. In house see saw with forward and back rocking in Dhanurasana (Bow pose) 

  • It Enhances Physical Flexibility Yoga promotes physical strength because kids learn to use all of their muscles in new ways.
  • It Refines Balance, Coordination & concentration Balancing poses allows mental clarity and physical stability by making an effort to stay balance in a pose by calming the mind. It fills a child with a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
  • It Boosts Self-Esteem and Confidence Yoga helps to instill confidence by bring learning through experiential level. Yoga teaches them to be patient and work towards their goals consistently.
    Pic 3 My 10 yrs old enjoys her sense of challenge with Vrischikasana/ Scorpio pose.
  • It increases Immunity : Yoga activates Thymus gland, which is linked with the physical and immunological development of the child. This gland is placed behind the sternum and above the heart in a butterfly shape and starts shrinking at the age of 10 to 12 years. Yoga delays the decay of thymus gland allowing this immunity store to work efficiently for 3-4 years more.
  • Help in coping adolescence changes in body: Yoga decays the regression or decay of Pineal gland. Pineal gland is responsible for growth hormonal and balances the hormonal, biological and organ clock. When it acts normally, it delays the onset of early puberty.

For any parent they are good enough reasons to introduce yoga into their child's life and implant them with the habit of taking care of their health. And as they say " he family that plays together stays together", don't stop your self from joining them and have fun too.
It’s a wonderful fun time activity to partner up in with your child and have a healthy memorable time together time.
Enjoy :)