Monday 10 June 2013

My Yogic Journey

June 9th 2013 is marked down in my life for inception of my dreams. I was introduced to yoga by my Aunt (a yoga teacher), when I was 9 year old and my affair with it was predestine. Like a true love story, there was separation, longing, detachment and now I rekindle my romance again with fervor, for a "Happy ever after".

I want to write down the changes, the sensations I am going thru. A record from where I started, to where I strive to reach.
I made up my mind not to care so much about the destination, and simply enjoy the journey. Hence I named my blog, SADHAKA.
Sadhaka is someone who follows a particular 'sadhana' or a way of life to realize their goal. The word is related to the Sanskrit 'Sadh', which means to accomplish. As long as one has yet to reach the goal, they are a Sadhaka.
It aptly describes me and as a curious student I start my quest for this ancient discipline.

"Just for today I will live with the attitude of gratitude. I will not worry. I will not get angry. I will show love and respect for every living being." ~ Reiki Mantra

Love & Light


  1. Good start Richa!! Welcome to blogging, to me its therapeutic, thats exactly how I feel, when I write down my thoughts and feelings, its like having a non stop conversation with someone who just listens to you without being judgmental :). Hope to read more.. :)

    1. lovely begining dear RICHA ,will love to read more and connect with you .

    2. Hey Rinki,
      Thanks for your encouragement Will surely stay connected :)

  2. keep at karmic about it.....
