Monday 14 April 2014

Karnapidasana- my Celestial Bliss

Karnapadiasana is a variation of Halasana (Plow pose) in which the legs are dropped further down so that the knees are also on the ground next to the ears.
pic courtesy Leslie Anatomy
Anatomically this pose offers a deeper journey into a complete extension of the spine flexion, intense stretch of the hips and allowing each vertebrae to bath with a therapeutic fluid
Beside above the various other benefits are
  • Calms the brain
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland
  • Stretches the shoulders and spine
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
  • Reduce stress and fatigue
  • Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia & sinusitis.

But my attachment to this pose is to the feeling of Celestial bliss, which I experience when I close my eyes, gently cover my ears with hands and start the process to go inwards. I recreate an image of myself as a baby, soothingly placed inside my mom's womb in fetal position, isolated from the senses and stimulation of the outside world.
With the only sense left is to LISTEN to my heart beat IN & OUT, beckoning me to travel beneath the flesh and bones to the heightened sensations. While all the asanas under traditional Hatha yoga have the potential to heighten the internal awareness, making it meditative. I always feel the sensation of being nurtured, calm and in a safe place in Karnapidasana. Meditating on the gratitude towards a healthy heart that beats with life and healing. 
So next time as you be in this asana explore the mystery and magic of the breath, renew your hopes and dreams in this calming but energy releasing posture.

1 comment:

  1. You make that pose look so easy. How long have you been doing yoga
    and do you incorporate any other type of fitness format into your staying
    fit lifestyle?

    I've been trying to collect some yoga DVDs and hopefully do some session sooner.
