Thursday 29 May 2014


Yesterday was a eventful day for me. I had my usual Gentle Hatha yoga class in Celebrity fitness. I went with a perfect sequence in mind knowing the nature of the class. But then life never offers anyone with a perfect scenario. 

I had a professional cyclist, an 80 year old fitness enthusiast, a post natal female, a 10 year old kid, a karate teacher among the others in my class. Yes, unlike the clearly defined parameters of a yoga studio on various forms of yoga (as per specific need or in accordance to your fitness level or age groups), in a gym the members can attend any class as per their choice.

As a teacher it was a challenging task to maintain the fine balance between catering to everyone’s fitness needs and keeping the synergy of the class. It was time for me to let go of my preparedness and challenge myself to experiment with the sequence, noticing their area of strength and shortcomings. But in the end I had a smile and satisfaction on every face.

Yoga for me is being Mindful, being in the state of Swadhyaya (self study), through each class and each individual I come across in my teaching. It allows me to observe how an individual behave with their body and mind in a class. Majority of beginners try to be in the perfect Asana, ignoring the wisdom of their body. They want to push their limit without even knowing what is the limit. I think it's because in our day-today activities, from office to home we're always pushing ourselves for a perfect scenario.
We all should use S.O.P as our Mantra: " STAMP OUT PERFECTION", the kind of perfection that means no mistakes. PER-FECT means "Done all the way through for you". So if life throws you a curve ball brace yourself to either catch it, bat it or get whacked.

There is beauty in enjoying the view upside down too breath and allow the doubts to REST IN PEACE.

Have a Mindful life. 


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