Sunday 27 July 2014


Today when I got my TTC Certificate and assessment.  My mind immediately stated taking note of how much I have evolve and where I have to go further. 

Unlike my First TTC certification when I was so thrilled to obtain it. This time I'm able to understand its importance and grateful for this milestone. This TTC is a turning point..YES a point of not looking back but keep going stronger. 

The first day of the course with Yoga Acharya Dr. K. Ashutosh and Yoga Shiromani Kadambari made it crystal clear to me that this is not the going to be a usual business. Here where two teachers who have years of experience in yoga teaching and practicing Yogic lifestyle themselves. 
Ashutosh Sir being an disciple of Swami Krishnanda, Divine life society, Sivananda ashram, Rishikesh . An MBBS, DPH& H, DcCH, with PYDin Yoga. Diploma in weight  management. PG Diploma in Stress management & Ayurved Ratan to name a few from his long list of academic achievements in the field of Yoga.
Kadambari Madam,a Yoga Shiromani from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta, is a Gold Medalist in Artistic Yoga World Cup (Argentina) 2002.  With an Hatha Yoga teaching experience of more then 9 years, she is considered a specialist in Back benders.
In Pic left to right: Kadambari ji, Nicole thomas(my roomie)& Ashutosh Sir.

Frankly this TTC was not about theoretic details on subjets like Diet & nutrition, Shatkarma, Yoga Nidra, Chakra Dharana, Ajapa Japa, Anatomy etc. It was 28 days of Tapas, Sadhana, a journery within to become aware of who you are. 
From maintaining persistent self practice of Asana and pranayama, to teaching others on a daily basis. From open discussions on the Hatha Yoga and Patnajali Yoga Sutra, to make one inquisitive and come up with individual interpretation of verses. All the aspect of Yoga were introduced in such a way that gave a student to go through their own personal experience like a true Sadhak/ Seeker.
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. I was astounded by their knowledge, self discipline, passion and devotion towards Yoga. Here I was face to face with teachers, who were gladly sharing all the knowledge of their Masters. The giving has not stopped with the end of course, as I get my Sadhana sheet(Practice sheet)with detailed instructions and goals.
Feeling blessed that how a master will just share everything, like parents give their all to kids. Now the onus lies on me, to share with my out most sincerity, to be a teacher and not a preacher. 
The Swami Krishnananda Hatha Yoga Shala is for people who are seriously committed to Yoga as a holistic way of life and not just attaining a TTC certificate. But one thing assured the experience will change your life for ever.
As I make a personal commitment to earn my place for ATTC through my committed pratice. I Keep the below quote in mind...a perfect reflector of my current state of mind.

Then I'm working towards planting it into a firmly rooted tree for life.

For more info on the institute you can check their website :
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