Sunday 1 February 2015

Ushtrasana/ Camel pose for beginners

Ushtrasan = Camel, Asana= posture or pose
Pronounced as: OOHS-tra-AA-SUN-aa
Chakra Focus: Anahata/ Heart.

Ushtrasana is a very deep backward bend pose performed in a kneeling position. Many people complain of stiff lower back these days and find back bends difficult and challenging to begin with. 
Frankly bending backwards is not an activity with which most adults are familiar keeping with our busy lifestyle, unless you have kept the child in you intact :)
This yoga posture works gradually and adds flexibility and strength to your spine. So once you keep practicing you will soon witness the immense benefits of this asana.

Ustrasana (Camel pose)  for beginners

You may place a cushion or blanket below your knees to ease your way into the pose. They should initially hold the pose for 15- 20 seconds. Mindfully increasing the time with practice

How to do the Pose (ref Video)

  • Starting from all fours with both palms and knees on mat.
  • Come up on your knees. 
  • Keeping the legs and knees hip width apart. Arms to side of body.
  • Toes pointed down toward mat. 
  • Place both the palms on your lower back. Gently pushing the hips forward.
  • Those who are beginner and find the stretch maximum can stay with hands on lower back. 
  • If your comfortable and feel you can go further then place your palms on the back of your thighs bending further back. 
  • Rolling the neck back in between shoulder simultaneously. 

For Intermediate practitioner (ref Video)

  • To intensify the stretch further after regular practice. 
  • Hold your right heel with right hand and left heel with left hand. 
  • Neck rolled back and hips pushed forward further.
  • To come out of the pose. Breath out and place back hand on your lower back.
  • Slowly straighten up. Placing hips in between your heels in vajrasana.
  • Chest placed on the thighs, arms to side of body in child pose and Relax.

Advance practitioner (as in picture below)

  • Can further challenge themselves in the asana by placing the front of the feet down
  • Placing their hands on the sole of the feet.


Stretches and open up the whole front of the body. 
Helps in correcting the postural problems of drooping shoulders and hunched backs. 
Whole spine is stretched back and toned. 
Helps overcome menstrual discomfort.

Therapeutic Benefits: 

Ushtrasana works subtly, but brilliantly, in improving functioning of the respiratory, endocrine and circulatory systems of the body. Hence is recommended for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, thyroid and parathyroid disorders. 
Improve the entire system of digestions and elimination reliving constipation, urinary disorder of the kidney, ovaries, testes and prostate. 


People with severe back or neck injury. Vertigo problem. high or low blood pressure must perform under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

Happy Practicing

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