Tuesday 23 July 2013

De-stress from Electronic Fuzziness

STRESS, the dreadful six letter word, which has become part of our daily existence.
While some stress are important to keep us focused in challenging times. These days we are crumbling to a stress which is more due to our technological lifestyle, known as “Computer Stress”.
Not only we are affected by it, majority of people are unaware of the medical consequences of working on computers. Beside constantly get assaulted on our electromagnetic field, from sitting in front of a computer screen. We are also exposed to medical problem like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
CTS are stress-related injuries caused by repetitive movement of joints and can lead to numerous musculoskeletal problems. It has become very common among the computer users, to experience pain in the joints of their fingers, hands, wrists, arms, necks, and back, due to extensive typing.
Earlier the above problems were commonly associated with old age. But with life going completely high tech and demanding long working hours, these problems can be faced by any computer user.
It is estimated that at least 75% of jobs involve some kind of computer use, which means a three-quarters of workforce is exposed to numerous health problem.
Unfortunately we cannot dispose computers from our lives, but we can certainly modify our computing lifestyle, as “Prevention is always better then cure”.
So in this series, I am sharing some group of asanas for exercising these joints, also known as Anti-Rheumatic group under yoga sutra. These asanas can be practiced anytime, anyplace and regular practice will facilitate loosening up of the joints and strengthening the surrounding muscles. 


1) MUSHTIKA BANDH (Hand Clenching)

Step 1. Sit in comfortable position. Hold both arms straight in front of body at shoulder level. Relax your shoulder and arms. Take a deep breath in and as you inhale, open your fingers (palms down) and stretch as wide apart as possible.
(Note that the fingers should be straight in line with the back of the hand.)

Step 2. Hold the Breath and bend the thumbs of both hands inside.

Step 3. Close the fingers to make a tight fist with the thumb inside.
As you Exhale press fist harder.
Imagine you are crushing something.

 Step 4. Inhale and again open the hands and stretch the fingers. 

Repeat all steps above 10 times


2) MUNIBANDHA NAMAN (Wrist Bending)

Step 1. Hold both arms straight in front of body at shoulder level.
Inhale & bend the hands backward from the wrist,
as if pressing the palms against the wall, with fingers pointed upwards.
(Keep fingers together & elbows straight throughout entire practice.)

Step 2. Bend the hands forward from the wrist so that the fingers point towards the floor.

Step 3. Feel the stretch on your wrist.
Do not bend your knuckle joints or fingers.

Step 4. Bend the hands up again for the next round. Repeat 10 times

3) MANIBANDHA CHAKRA ( Wrist joint rotation) 

Variation 1- Opposite 

Extend both arms at shoulder level.
Step 1 & 2. Inhale and move both wrist towards right side & gently rotate upwards.
Step 3 & 4. As you exhale move both wrist to left side & then rotating downwards.
Practice the same with wrist rotation starting from left side 
Repeat 5 times each side.

Variation 2- Towards each other

Step 1. Inhale and move both wrist inwards towards each other.
Step 2. Move both wrist upwards, moving them away from each other.
Step 3. Breath out while bring the wrists down to their respective sides
Step 4. Gently bring down close to each other. 
Practice the same anti clock wise  starting from Downward position in step 4 
Repeat 5 times.

(NOTE: The Rotation is from wrists only & holding the arms still throughout the practice.)

So take a yoga break to De-stress yourself from electronic  "fuzziness” and stretch out your hard-working muscles. Do go gentle on yourself as you start practicing and gradually increase the no. of repetitions. 

Love & Light.

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