Thursday 8 August 2013

The Art of Holding your Horses

You’re standing in line at the bank, the grocery store, or on hold on the phone—your feet start to tap and your blood pressure rises. You start getting agitated, and what goes through your mind -“there’s so much to do and so little time”.

But, has time really rushed up or is it our expectation of how quickly things should happen? Is it really the pace of life or the buzzing of your brain, trying to keep up with the zillion tasks and obligations on your plate?

We are in the world of INSTANT. From twitter to facebook news feed, an E mail to what’s app. Excellence is based upon the quick action and reaction. Then wonder why the stress, anxiety, depression and burn out. Cos SHUT OFF is requisite and relevant to keep us going.

So why not look at the above situation from a different perspective. What if those moments of waiting, those moments when you are forced to stop and stand still, are not an irritation, but an opportunity?

What if it’s a perfect moment to take a few deep breaths, relax your body, look around and be grateful, be joyful and observe little miracles around?

Patience is an art and one has to practice it to get better. So start with small windows of time to consciously slow down. Enjoy a long drive, play time with kids, take in the view—it’s a beautiful world out there!!

Love and Light.

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