Saturday 31 August 2013

Suryabhedana- An Instant Energizer

For thousands of years Indian yogis have believed that many diseases are connected to disturbed nasal breathing. The goal of Pranayama in traditional Hatha Yoga is to integrate and harmonize the breath.
Our nose is directly linked to our brain and nervous system. Another interesting fact about nostrils, is that we don't breathe through them equally all the time. If you check right now, the breath will be dominant in either your left or right nostril.

Our right nostril is associated with Surya Nadi (Sun energy) and the left is associated with the Chandra Nadi (Moon energy). The purpose of breath through alternate nostril is to create balance in the “warming" and "cooling" of the body-mind and vice versa.

Right Nostril Breathing – Suryabhedana (Surya = Sun, Bhedana = Piercing)
In Suryabhedana, the inhalation is happening through right nostril and exhalation through left nostril.

              Sit in Sukhasana or any comfortable posture. Place your thumb on left side of nose, index & middle finger in between your brows & ring finger on your right side of nose.
Step one: Use right thumb to close your left nostril.
Step two: Inhale slowly through right nostril
Step three: Pause for a second
Step four: Now close right nostril with ring finger and release thumb off the left nostril
Step five: Exhale through your left nostril.
Continue the whole process for 10 to 12 times.
Suryabhedana creates heat in the body and activates the left part of our brain, which is associated with “Thinking” thus bring more alertness & concentration. It is also said to fortify the liver and immune system, purifies the blood and cures gas problems, intestinal ailments, leucoderma and other skin diseases.

Contraindications and Cautions
Avoid Suryabhedana if you have high blood pressure or any heart disease. 

So next time when you feel low or lethargic, just pratice few rounds of above breathing and get instantly charged up!!

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