Wednesday 17 December 2014

Asana for Beginners Delight- Adho Mukha Svanasana


Meaning : "Adho" means 'down'. 
                      "Mukha" means 'face'. 
                      "Svana' means 'dog'.
                      "Asana" means 'pose'.
This pose resembles a dog stretching itself with head and forelegs down and the hind legs up, hence the name.

Level : Beginner.
This is a great asana/pose for beginners, who have never attempted inversion poses like sirsasana/headstand, or Sarvangasana/shoulderstand. It is a mild inversion asana that helps build up upper body strength while stretching the whole body. Preparing the body for advance asanas. It is also an essential component of Surya namaskar/sun salutation and is done often in yoga class either as a resting pose, transitional pose and a strength builder pose.

WARM UPwith few rounds of 
1. Rotate of your wrist clockwise and anti clockwise.
2. Shoulder rotation inwards and outwards
3. Majari Asana. Cat and cow stretch to release tension of back and warming up spine.


Three levels of Beginners variations to work steadily towards (from Variation A to C).

Technique A : With wall/ Shelf/Table or any fixed steady props.
It's safe to take the adho mukha svanasana to wall to start with. this will help toget the feel of the asana. Allowing the opening of upper shoulder and building strength of the arms and shoulders. With regular practice you can experiment with various height level using either wall, shelf, chair, table.  Respectively explore the shift in stretch with changing the placement of the hands as illustrated in pics 1 to 3.
PIC 1 Start with arms placed above shoulder level

PIC 2 Arms placed at shoulder level
PIC 3 Arms coming down lower then shoulder and still up from ground.

Technique B : With Blocks/Blanket(Prop).
1.  Place one of your block or a rolled towel/blanket at the end of the mat. 
2.  Lie full length on the floor on the stomach, Face downwards. The feet should be kept one foot apart and the toes touching the block or blanket behind you.
3. Rest the palms by the side of the chest, with fingers spread apart and pointed in front.
4. Exhale and raise the trunk from the floor. Staying on your knees. Place the second block, thick book or a rolled towel/blanket at center in line with your forehead.
5. Place the crown of your head on your prop. Keeping elbow straight and lift the knees of the ground and extending the back.
6. Keep the knee straight and place the heels on the prop placed behind your feet. Ears in line with upper arms as shown in pic A below.

7. Stay here in the pose for few breath. Allow the body to get use to the stretch. Once steady move the shoulder blades towards each other as close as possible maintaining your body comfort. Shown in Pic B below.
8. To come out of the pose. Exhale. Gently bend your knees and bring knees down on mat. Keeping toes together and heels apart. Place your hips in between the heels and relax in Shashankasana/child pose as shown in pic C

Technique C : Without blocks
1. Begin on your hands and knees down on mat in table top position. Wrist in line under your shoulder and knees in line with hips. Knees open hip width apart.
2. Spread the fingers wide apart. Palms and fingers press firmly on mat. Distributing your weight evenly across both hands.
3. Tuck your toes. Exhale life the knees off the mat. Lifting your hips up, slowly pushing your hips behind you. 
4. Gently straighten your legs completely and brings the heels on the mat. You body will resemble the shape of an "A". Do not walk your feet closer to you hands and maintain the extension of your whole body. 
5. Stay here in the pose for few breath. Keeping the gaze toward your feet.
6.  To come out of the pose. Exhale. Gently bend your knees and bring knees down on mat. Relax in child pose.

Beginner tipsKeep the following information in mind when you practice this pose.
  • If you are tight on hamstring and find the stretch intense at back of leg or your knees. keep the knees slightly bent initially to maintain a comfortable stretch.
  • Don't worry if in beginning the heels are not touching the ground. The stretching of legs muscles in this pose will increase the flexibility with regular practice. Avoid walking your feet closer to your hands for this purpose.
  •  If you experience any pain in the wrist or hand in the pose. Note that this is a common problem, especially if you are new to yoga. The hands and wrist are not used to bearing the weight of the body. The trick is to place the fingers on the hands on the mat and place the palm on blanket to keep them slightly lifted and cushioned, as shown in Pic below.
An illustrated image from web.
 Benefits :
1. This pose is also known as an exhilarating pose. Considered as a mild inversion because  the trunk is lowered and fully stretched in the pose yet high then head. Hence the blood  from upper body travel toward head, bring fresh blood and rejuvenating the brain cells.  Those who are hesitant to practice sirsasana/headstand can attempt this pose.
2. As the Abdominal muscles are lifted the diaphragm moves up towards chest cavity  slowing down the heart beat. So this pose can be down by people suffering from high blood  pressure.
3. Eradicates stiffness in the shoulder blades region and arthritis of shoulder joints.
4. This pose is especially beneficial for runners who get tired after hard race, as longer stay  in this pose remove fatigue. Sprinters will develop speed and lightness of the limbs.
5. Relieves pain and stiffness in the heels and strengthen the ankles and makes the legs  shapely.

Do not practice this pose if you have severe carpal tunnel syndrome. In late late term of pregnancy. Have an sever injury to the back, arms or shoulders. Are prone to vertigo. Always work within your own range of limits. If you have any medical concerns, talk to your doctor before practicing.

Hope you find the above post helpful and will try the modification to deepen your practice. Do your your experience and inputs in the comments.


Sunday 2 November 2014

Kids Yoga- A Gift of Good health.

At first glance, yoga and kids might seem like an odd pairing, as yoga is often about being quiet and staying still, words that don't usually describe kids.
But kids don't need laser like focus to enjoy the innumerable benefits of Yoga. Kids Yoga is all about having fun. In fact many poses are active and playful and helps children cope with their emotions, release extra energy, and induce relaxed sleep.

 Pic 1. My Toddler enjoying the wave like movement of Bhujangasana/ Cobra,

Pic 2. In house see saw with forward and back rocking in Dhanurasana (Bow pose) 

  • It Enhances Physical Flexibility Yoga promotes physical strength because kids learn to use all of their muscles in new ways.
  • It Refines Balance, Coordination & concentration Balancing poses allows mental clarity and physical stability by making an effort to stay balance in a pose by calming the mind. It fills a child with a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
  • It Boosts Self-Esteem and Confidence Yoga helps to instill confidence by bring learning through experiential level. Yoga teaches them to be patient and work towards their goals consistently.
    Pic 3 My 10 yrs old enjoys her sense of challenge with Vrischikasana/ Scorpio pose.
  • It increases Immunity : Yoga activates Thymus gland, which is linked with the physical and immunological development of the child. This gland is placed behind the sternum and above the heart in a butterfly shape and starts shrinking at the age of 10 to 12 years. Yoga delays the decay of thymus gland allowing this immunity store to work efficiently for 3-4 years more.
  • Help in coping adolescence changes in body: Yoga decays the regression or decay of Pineal gland. Pineal gland is responsible for growth hormonal and balances the hormonal, biological and organ clock. When it acts normally, it delays the onset of early puberty.

For any parent they are good enough reasons to introduce yoga into their child's life and implant them with the habit of taking care of their health. And as they say " he family that plays together stays together", don't stop your self from joining them and have fun too.
It’s a wonderful fun time activity to partner up in with your child and have a healthy memorable time together time.
Enjoy :)

Saturday 27 September 2014

My Spiritual GPS

If I've learned anything at all from my yoga practice is that how my body, thoughts and mind is evolving. They are not the same, it's like my body & spirit has developed an in-built navigational system, which knows exactly where I'm going. It specially comes handy when I feel lost in practicing advance Yoga postures without the expert guidance of my teachers and gradually illuminate the way to fulfill my far fetched goals.

This week I attain another goal of my being in Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana (Compass pose).

A Surya Yantra (Sun dial) is always following the sun, from east to west or high to low of sky with it's completely uninterrupted and ceaseless commitment to it's guiding source. 

Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana is the perfect example to experience "Sthiram Sukham Asanam", as it ask for being steady and comfortably letting go of our perceived limitations. This asana challenges a yoga practitioner to listen to the wisdom of his body and be completely focused. 

It has been specially inspiring to the student in me, cos it reflects the power of a deeply committed practice. A Yoga practice which brings in the precious moments each day when you go through the pleasure and pain, sweat and toil of practice. 

I relish each new opening as it happens (from hip to shoulder to hamstrings) and be present to enjoy the journey and not just reaching the goals. 

Life teaches us in every step that it is happening, every minute, every second and evolving is just amazing.

Sunday 27 July 2014


Today when I got my TTC Certificate and assessment.  My mind immediately stated taking note of how much I have evolve and where I have to go further. 

Unlike my First TTC certification when I was so thrilled to obtain it. This time I'm able to understand its importance and grateful for this milestone. This TTC is a turning point..YES a point of not looking back but keep going stronger. 

The first day of the course with Yoga Acharya Dr. K. Ashutosh and Yoga Shiromani Kadambari made it crystal clear to me that this is not the going to be a usual business. Here where two teachers who have years of experience in yoga teaching and practicing Yogic lifestyle themselves. 
Ashutosh Sir being an disciple of Swami Krishnanda, Divine life society, Sivananda ashram, Rishikesh . An MBBS, DPH& H, DcCH, with PYDin Yoga. Diploma in weight  management. PG Diploma in Stress management & Ayurved Ratan to name a few from his long list of academic achievements in the field of Yoga.
Kadambari Madam,a Yoga Shiromani from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta, is a Gold Medalist in Artistic Yoga World Cup (Argentina) 2002.  With an Hatha Yoga teaching experience of more then 9 years, she is considered a specialist in Back benders.
In Pic left to right: Kadambari ji, Nicole thomas(my roomie)& Ashutosh Sir.

Frankly this TTC was not about theoretic details on subjets like Diet & nutrition, Shatkarma, Yoga Nidra, Chakra Dharana, Ajapa Japa, Anatomy etc. It was 28 days of Tapas, Sadhana, a journery within to become aware of who you are. 
From maintaining persistent self practice of Asana and pranayama, to teaching others on a daily basis. From open discussions on the Hatha Yoga and Patnajali Yoga Sutra, to make one inquisitive and come up with individual interpretation of verses. All the aspect of Yoga were introduced in such a way that gave a student to go through their own personal experience like a true Sadhak/ Seeker.
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. I was astounded by their knowledge, self discipline, passion and devotion towards Yoga. Here I was face to face with teachers, who were gladly sharing all the knowledge of their Masters. The giving has not stopped with the end of course, as I get my Sadhana sheet(Practice sheet)with detailed instructions and goals.
Feeling blessed that how a master will just share everything, like parents give their all to kids. Now the onus lies on me, to share with my out most sincerity, to be a teacher and not a preacher. 
The Swami Krishnananda Hatha Yoga Shala is for people who are seriously committed to Yoga as a holistic way of life and not just attaining a TTC certificate. But one thing assured the experience will change your life for ever.
As I make a personal commitment to earn my place for ATTC through my committed pratice. I Keep the below quote in mind...a perfect reflector of my current state of mind.

Then I'm working towards planting it into a firmly rooted tree for life.

For more info on the institute you can check their website :
or e-mail :-,
facebook :-


Monday 23 June 2014


What is the first thing you do when you wake up early in the morning? For majority of the people out it is hitting the snooze button and taking that few minutes nap :)
Time to consider catching up the early morning sun shine. In the ancient time practices like Sun gazing & Atapa Snana (Sun bathing) were common all over the world among all cultures and religions.
But in the modern world we are bombarded with paranoid messages about how dangerous the sun is. But with the deficiency of vitamin D becoming common and increasing conditions like weakness of muscles, bones, cancer, asthma, cardiovascular, Periodontal diseases and autoimmune Diseases.                                                                               It is time to look out for the Sunshine, remembering how in the ancient times many cultures knew, how to use the sun to heal all kinds of illness, and bring about radiant health.

Safe Sun gazing Practice

Sun gazing is a simple practice which can be part of your lifetime. The practice entails looking at the rising or setting sun one time per day only during the safe hours.  No harm will come to your eyes during the morning and evening safe hours. The safe hours are anytime within 1-hour window after sunrise or anytime within the 1hr window before sunset.  It is scientifically proven beyond a reasonable doubt that during these times, one is free from UV and IR rays exposure, which is harmful to your eyes.  To determine the timings of sunrise or sunset, you can check the local newspaper, which also lists the UV Index during that time. Both times are good for practice - it depends on individual's convenience. 

Atapa Snana Practice

Meaning of 'Atapa Snana' is 'sunbathing', but as sunshine is not the same for all countries at all times. Therefore, it is not possible to fix the best time for sunbathing. Depending on the weather and the latitude of a country it can be decided. For example in place like Delhi in summers, a sunbath can be taken during summer until 10 am and during winter between noon and 2 pm.
During the sunbath, the diseases parts of the body are exposed to the sun's rays while the  remaining parts are kept in the shade. When the affected area becomes hot after leaving it in the sun for fifteen to twenty minutes, it should be brought into the shade and should be messaged with cooling oil like Coconut for 15 to 20 minutes.


Providing Vitamin A & D: 
Sun gazing helps our eyes to get vitamin A during the 1 hour safe period window.  Vitamin A is necessary for the health of the eye, the only vitamin that the eye requires. If you sun gaze, the spectacles and the associated power in the eye will go away and this will provide better eyesight without glasses. The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the bodys vitamin D supply, that’s why it is also known as “Sunshine Vitamin”. 
Vitamin D lowers the amount of cholesterol in blood and helps in heart problems. It also protects from many types of cancers. Sunlight stimulates body to produce vitamin D which gives strength to bones by increasing absorption of calcium in intestine. Studies suggest keeping face, hands and legs in contact with sunlight at least for 10 minutes every day to gain adequate Vitamin D. Today most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure activities.

Strengthens Immune system : 
Staying in sunshine enhances the generation of White Blood Cells (WBC) which kill germs like-bacteria and viruses. WBC also supports to fight against other toxic compounds in body and
boost our immunity. Sunshine increases oxygen carrying capacity of Red Blood Cells. So, it 
prevents the body from various infections as well as diseases. The German solders used this discovery by Nobel Prize winner, Niels Finsen of using sunlight to disinfect and heal wounds in the WWI of 1903.

Gives resistance power to Skin: 
While too much exposure of sunshine can lead to skin cancer, moderate amount of sunlight offers many merits to skin. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders, such as Psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.

The Sun's rays Lower Blood pressure:
Sunlight is beneficial for hypertensive patients as it regulates blood circulation through dilating arteries. So that blood cells get more nutrition and oxygen. Exercising in sunshine fortifies heart and let it to rest more as heart pumps more blood into vessels. That signifies the reason of practicing Surya Namaskar in morning in Indian Yogic culture.

Excess Oxygen Supply: 
Sunlight increases oxygen content in blood and it also enhances the body's capacity to deliver oxygen to the tissues. It is a similar to the effects of exercise. The sun has a great effect on stamina, fitness and muscular development. 

Increases Metabolism: 
Sun rays encourage thyroid gland which in turn speed up the body’s basal metabolism rate and utilizes large extent of calories. It helps to lose weight and strengthens muscles. At least 15 minutes sunbathe regularly can keep you healthy.

Helpful in Diabetes: 
It has been found in a new study that enough introduction to sunshine and adequate amount of vitamin D play vital role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes in people. According to some researchers, sunlight also controls blood sugar level.

Increased Growth in Children:
Regular sunlight exposure increases the growth and height of children, especially babies. Many cultures throughout history have recognized this fact. Studies have shown the amount of sun exposure in the first few months has an effect on how tall the person grows.

Sunlight can cure depression:  
Sunlight deprivation can cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression. It is more common in winter months, but also common in people who work long hours in office buildings. 

Sterilize your Armpit: 
A moderate expose to sunshine can be used to sterilize your armpits and eliminate the cause of most body odor.

So rather then being a generation deficient in Vitamin D due to fear of Sun. It is time to expose the body to the moderate yet powerfully healing exposure of Sun daily. If you are notable to enjoy the sun due to climatic condition, add a quality spectrum light bulb to a light source in your work area or in a lamp at home.

Enjoy the Sunshine :)

* Medical Input from Medical research center, US & Ayurveda Vedic Philosophy.

Thursday 29 May 2014


Yesterday was a eventful day for me. I had my usual Gentle Hatha yoga class in Celebrity fitness. I went with a perfect sequence in mind knowing the nature of the class. But then life never offers anyone with a perfect scenario. 

I had a professional cyclist, an 80 year old fitness enthusiast, a post natal female, a 10 year old kid, a karate teacher among the others in my class. Yes, unlike the clearly defined parameters of a yoga studio on various forms of yoga (as per specific need or in accordance to your fitness level or age groups), in a gym the members can attend any class as per their choice.

As a teacher it was a challenging task to maintain the fine balance between catering to everyone’s fitness needs and keeping the synergy of the class. It was time for me to let go of my preparedness and challenge myself to experiment with the sequence, noticing their area of strength and shortcomings. But in the end I had a smile and satisfaction on every face.

Yoga for me is being Mindful, being in the state of Swadhyaya (self study), through each class and each individual I come across in my teaching. It allows me to observe how an individual behave with their body and mind in a class. Majority of beginners try to be in the perfect Asana, ignoring the wisdom of their body. They want to push their limit without even knowing what is the limit. I think it's because in our day-today activities, from office to home we're always pushing ourselves for a perfect scenario.
We all should use S.O.P as our Mantra: " STAMP OUT PERFECTION", the kind of perfection that means no mistakes. PER-FECT means "Done all the way through for you". So if life throws you a curve ball brace yourself to either catch it, bat it or get whacked.

There is beauty in enjoying the view upside down too breath and allow the doubts to REST IN PEACE.

Have a Mindful life. 


Monday 21 April 2014

Sun Salutation for Quick Weight lose & Resistance training

I mentioned earlier also that a Regular practice of Surya Namaskars, no doubt will help you 
trim down overall, specially if you are hard pressed for time and helps in elevating your mood, making it a great relaxation workout. 

"A 2011 study published in the Asian Journal of Sports medicine 5 found that after six months of daily sun salutations and no other resistance training, young men and women could bench press signaficantly more weights and complete far more push-ups and pull ups than at the start of the study".
Some of the benefits, I have experienced over couple of months of my practice are:
  • Trims waist: One of the best exercises to loose the flab around your waist and hips. Surya Namaskar in particular is very effective, as the flowing sequence of asanas allow stretching and bending of the internal digestive organs, giving them gentle. 
  • Younger looking Skin - Continuous sweating during second and third sets of your workout will make your skin look younger. Exercises in general act as detoxifying agents & this in particular works very effectively on detoxification due to heavy and rhythmic breathing involved.
  • Total Body Workout - No other Yoga exercise can claim this distinction as Surya Namaskar of providing a great workout for the whole body, stretching, toning the over all muscles and flexing the entire Spinal vertebra.  Twelve round of Surya Namaskar involves body weight based toning exercises like 12 Push ups, 24 Lunges (one for Right & Left Leg for each round)
  • Practicing Sun Salutation at different speeds (slow,medium,fast) can have different effects.If done at a slow pace, it can help strengthen and tone body muscles. Use the breath as an effective tool in slow movements to bring the body, mind &  breath in harmony and enjoy a complete meditative experience. A few rounds of quick Sun salutations can be a great Cardic workout. If your are doing it as a warm up exercise, do it at a fast pace. But if Sun Salutation is included in the entire yoga           posture package, you can do it at slow to medium pace. 

Happy Practicing

Monday 14 April 2014

Karnapidasana- my Celestial Bliss

Karnapadiasana is a variation of Halasana (Plow pose) in which the legs are dropped further down so that the knees are also on the ground next to the ears.
pic courtesy Leslie Anatomy
Anatomically this pose offers a deeper journey into a complete extension of the spine flexion, intense stretch of the hips and allowing each vertebrae to bath with a therapeutic fluid
Beside above the various other benefits are
  • Calms the brain
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland
  • Stretches the shoulders and spine
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
  • Reduce stress and fatigue
  • Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia & sinusitis.

But my attachment to this pose is to the feeling of Celestial bliss, which I experience when I close my eyes, gently cover my ears with hands and start the process to go inwards. I recreate an image of myself as a baby, soothingly placed inside my mom's womb in fetal position, isolated from the senses and stimulation of the outside world.
With the only sense left is to LISTEN to my heart beat IN & OUT, beckoning me to travel beneath the flesh and bones to the heightened sensations. While all the asanas under traditional Hatha yoga have the potential to heighten the internal awareness, making it meditative. I always feel the sensation of being nurtured, calm and in a safe place in Karnapidasana. Meditating on the gratitude towards a healthy heart that beats with life and healing. 
So next time as you be in this asana explore the mystery and magic of the breath, renew your hopes and dreams in this calming but energy releasing posture.