Sunday 30 June 2013

Nose for calming your Senses

The lotus flower symbolizes the spiritual quest. It beautifully floats on the surface of the water, while beneath the surface it’s deeply rooted into the mud. Our mind can also be like the peaceful lotus, even if the frenetic lifestyles and busy schedules don’t allow us to PAUSE once a while.

There is a special yet easy meditation technique for calming the mind, right at the tip of our nose, also known as Nasikagra drishti or nose gaze.

Concentrate gently on the tip of the nose with both eyes completely or partly closed and take long and deep breathe. Continue the same for few seconds and increase time with regular practice.

Nose gazing stimulates the frontal lobe of the brain through the optic nerve, allowing the mind to be steady and increase concentration by heightening focus.

The above technique can be practiced anytime and is easy to follow. So next time, when your “monkey mind” gets the better of you, practice this powerful yogic exercise that’s as close as your nose!

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